Distant Suns is a clever Choose & Write game particularly innovative in its mechanics. Players must draw exploration zones, represented by hexagonal shapes. But beware: in addition to freely choosing the shape of their exploration zone, the player whose turn it is also chooses the shape their opponents will draw. All players must optimize the locations of the shapes they draw in order to obtain useful in-game bonuses… and end-of-game points.
Fast-paced, tactical and addictive, Distant Suns impresses with its originality and ingenious mechanics. Players choose the shape that is most conducive to their own exploration, and impose the most unfavorable on their opponents in order to compromise their scoring possibilities. But beware: pushing other explorers into a corner will sometimes allow them to get the better of the game, if they manage to exploit a space that you had misjudged. With many possible strategies for scoring points, and fast-paced games that call for revenge, Distant Suns invites players to great sessions of tactical exploration, for games that don’t exceed thirty minutes.