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King of Tokyo : Monster Box

King of Tokyoverse
Release date :
December 2021
Created by :
Richard Garfield
Illustrated by :
Régis Torres
Versions :
French, English, Brazilian, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Taiwanese
Line :
King of Line

King of Tokyo is crazy game for 2 to 6 players, in which you play as mutant monsters, gigantic robots and other monstrous creatures, battling it out in a joyous atmosphere, with the sole aim of becoming the one and only King of Tokyo.

With King of Tokyo , Richard GARFIELD continues to offer us a crazy game for 2 to 6 players, in which you play as mutant monsters, gigantic robots and other monstrous creatures, battling it out in a joyous atmosphere, with the sole aim of becoming the one and only King of Tokyo.

Play as a gigantic Monster who destroys everything in his path!
Roll the dice, make the best possible combinations to heal yourself, attack, buy cards or earn Victory Points. It’s up to you to adapt the best strategy to become the King of Tokyo at the right moment and attack all your opponents at the same time…
The first player to reach 20 Victory Points wins the game… The last to stay alive too

Discover King of Tokyo in a monstrous box containing :

  • King of Tokyo, the basic game
  • Power Up!
  • Halloween
  • Baby Gigazaur
  • 11 exclusive cards
  • One dice tray

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